City of Corona

Planning & Housing Commission Minutes

Council Chambers
400 S. Vicentia Avenue
Corona, CA 92882
Commission Present:
  • Matt Woody, 
  • Marie Vernon, 
  • Craig Siqueland, 
  • Sarah Longwell, 
  • and Karen Alexander 

Commissioner Siqueland led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Chair Woody called the meeting to order.

A motion was made by Commissioner Longwell, seconded by Commissioner Siqueland, that these Minutes be approved, with a noted correction by Commissioner Longwell.

  • Moved by: Sarah Longwell
    Seconded by: Craig Siqueland
    Aye (4)Matt Woody, Marie Vernon, Craig Siqueland, and Sarah Longwell
    Abstain (1)Karen Alexander
    Motion APPROVED (4 to 0)

Dale Ploung, resident, addressed the Commission regarding the Planning Commission meeting of August 26, 2024.  He also mentioned the lack of available parking spaces near the Council Chambers.

Joanne Coletta, Planning and Development Director, presented the staff report and exhibits for ZTA2024-0003.

Commissioners had questions regarding the Mills Act Contract and the proposed changes to the Historic Resources Ordinance, including details of a new Structure of Merit Listing and the creation of a new Historic Preservation Board and its responsibilities.  Ms. Coletta provided clarification.

Chair Woody opened the Public Hearing.

Richard Winn, member of the Corona Historic Preservation Society, addressed the Commission to thank Ms. Coletta and to speak in favor of the proposed amendment.

Joe Morgan, resident, had a question about future items that would be reviewed by a new board; and he spoke in favor of this amendment.

Chair Woody closed the public hearing.

A majority of the commissioners expressed support for the structure of a new Historic Preservation Board.  Commissioner Longwell expressed reservations for needing a new historic board.

  • Moved by: Karen Alexander
    Seconded by: Marie Vernon

    That the Planning and Housing Commission recommend APPROVAL of ZTA2024-0003 to the City Council, based on the findings contained in the staff report.

    Aye (4)Matt Woody, Marie Vernon, Craig Siqueland, and Karen Alexander
    Nay (1)Sarah Longwell
    Motion APPROVED (4 to 1)

Ms. Coletta mentioned that a Specific Plan Amendment previously reviewed by the Planning Commission was approved without further review by the City Council on September 4, 2024.

Future agenda items are scheduled for the Planning and Housing Commission meeting of September 23, 2024.

Chair Woody adjourned the meeting at 7:00 p.m. to the Planning and Housing Commission meeting of Monday, September 23, 2024, commencing at 6:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers.