That the City Council:
- Award Notice of Inviting Bids 25-023AT to Estate Design and Construction, Inc., the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, for the total bid amount of $178,669 and waive all minor irregularities in the bidding documents as submitted by said bidder for the Lester Water Treatment Plant Gravity Thickener Rehabilitation Project.
- Authorize an appropriation in the amount of $188,743 from the Water Utility Fund 570 to the Lester Water Treatment Plant Gravity Thickener Paint Operating and Maintenance Project No. 78200.
- Authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to execute the Maintenance/General Services Agreement with Estate Design and Construction, Inc., including any purchase orders, non-substantive extensions, change orders, and amendments up to 10% of the total contract amount or $17,866.90 as authorized by Corona Municipal Code
Section 3.08.060(J).
That the Corona Utility Authority review, ratify, and to the extent necessary, direct the City Council to take the above actions.